Technology and Innovation Platform
Companies that locate in the Canton of Fribourg can benefit from the technology and innovation platform INNOSQUARE operating from the blueFACTORY, the low carbon innovation quarter in Fribourg/Switzerland. The platform constitutes an entrepreneurial and innovative environment through its interactions with business and universities and its development of key competences. INNOSQUARE supports the development of competence centers and thematic clusters, provides administrative support as well as prototyping and testing services. The Competence Centers Robust and Safe Systems Center Fribourg (ROSAS), iPrint Center and Plastics Innovation Competence Center (PICC) and the clusters Swiss Plastics Cluster, Building Innovation Cluster and Food & Nutrition Cluster are hosted by INNOSQUARE.
INNOSQUARE – Platform services and competence center development
Pascal Bovet, Director
Passage du Cardinal 1
Bâtiment A
1700 Fribourg
T +41 26 429 66 56
M +41 79 506 90 27
Sectorial Platforms
Companies, universities and specialized colleges in Fribourg are fully integrated within platforms created as part of the sectorial promotion strategy, launched by the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Economic Affairs of Western Switzerland (CDEP-SO).
- BioAlps represents the fastest growing Life Sciences cluster in the world
- Micronarc is a 2,000 member-strong platform for micro-nanotechnology
- Le cluster Alp ICT crée des synergies entre les entreprises actives dans les technologies de l’information et de la communication
- The CleantechAlps cluster creates synergies between companies involved in information technology and communication (ICT)
By establishing your company in Fribourg, you can benefit from these important networks.
Fribourg Development Agency
Boulevard de Pérolles 25
P.O. Box 1350
1701 Fribourg
T +41 26 304 14 00