Unlike other regions of Switzerland, land and commercial real estate are readily available across the Canton to companies wishing to establish operations. In addition, real estate costs are more advantageous than in the larger urban centers of Switzerland. Several innovation quarters in the canton of Fribourg strengthen this offer.
Commercial buildings in abundance
The Fribourg Development Agency can help you find the ideal building for rental or purchase, whether a new build or an existing property, in rural areas, the suburbs, or in an urban center. Just send us the details of your requirements and we will work with our real estate specialist to find you the property that best suits your enterprise. The annual rent for an industrial building is between CHF 80.– per sqm (square meter) and CHF 250.– per sqm. Rentals of city-based office space vary between CHF 150.– per sqm and CHF 350.– per sqm.
Land at very favorable prices
Commercial and industrial land is available at moderate prices, which in Switzerland is an exception. The price range for ready-to-build industrial land ranges from CHF 100.– per sqm to 250.– per sqm. Collaboration with investors, banks and general contractors to finance a specific project can also be arranged. Foreign companies can buy real estate in Switzerland as part of their business (however they are not authorized to enter into real estate transactions outside the framework of their economic activities).
Available infrastructure to support technology companies
In the Canton of Fribourg, four technology and industrial parks offer infrastructure and quality services to innovative startups and technology companies.
- blueFACTORY is a carbon-neutral innovation quarter. It covers a 53,000 sqm area on the former Cardinal brewery site in the heart of the city of Fribourg.
- Le Vivier in Villaz-St-Pierre is an industrial campus of more than 20,000 sqm. It is dedicated to both startups and more mature technology companies.
- The Marly Innovation Center (MIC) is one of the largest technology parks in Switzerland, covering almost 370,000 sqm, including 7,000 sqm of laboratories. It currently hosts more than 150 companies and is open to both young and established companies.
- The AgriCo Campus in St. Aubin encompasses industrial parcels suitable for construction, as well as buildings and laboratories available for rent. The site is surrounded by 1,000,000 sqm of agricultural land.